Shannon Nelsen, PharmD

Associate Director

headshot of Shannon Nelsen
Therapeutic Expertise
Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

BS, Biology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Shannon Howarth Nelsen, PharmD is an Associate Director in the Market Access and Outcomes Strategy group with RTI-HS. She is a residency-trained pharmacist with over 8 years of experience in drug information, communicating the value of pharmaceuticals to healthcare professionals and payers. During her more than 15 years of medical writing, she has developed Academy of Managed Care (AMCP) dossiers, conducted literature reviews, implemented new dossier development processes, and developed slides and global medical information responses. Before joining RTI-HS, she worked in medical information at a pharmaceutical company, where she focused on neurosciences and urology products. She has medical writing experience in various therapeutic areas including oncology, neurology, urology, psychology, and orphan diseases.

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