Valerie Derrien Ansquer, MA

Director, Surveys and Observational Studies

Office Location
Lyon, France

MA, Social Studies
La Sorbonne, Paris, France

Mrs. Valérie Ansquer is Senior Project Director in Surveys and Observational Studies at RTI-HS. She is experienced in the implementation of multicountry observational studies, such as retrospective and prospective patient chart review, feasibility assessment, burden-of-illness, and patient behavioral surveys. as well as qualitative approaches, such as concept elicitation and cognitive debriefing interviews, and exit interviews.

Mrs. Ansquer has conducted observational studies in more than 30 different countries across five continents. She has experience in ethics regulatory processes, participant recruitment, and management of project deliverables.

Mrs. Ansquer has strong expertise in oncology, hematology, diabetology, cardiology, ophthalmology, respiratory diseases, and rare diseases such as lysosomal storage disorders (Fabry, Gaucher, organic acidemia).

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