Alyssa Dallas, BA

Director, Medical Writing, Editing, and Design Services

Alyssa Dallas
Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

BA, English
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Alyssa Dallas is the Associate Director of Medical Writing, Editing, and Design Services at RTI-HS, where she leads a team of five medical editors and oversees the proposal editing process. She has more than 17 years of experience as an editor in professional and academic environments. Ms. Dallas provides editorial support for deliverables, marketing materials, and proposals, as well as technical writing support. She has developed many of the company’s standard proposal and deliverable templates for branding consistency and efficient formatting, and she oversees the tracking, updating, and implementation of these templates. Ms. Dallas led the editing group in creating company-specific and deliverable-specific style guides; developing editor, reviewer, and transcriptionist guidelines for recorded interviews; and generating an Excel-based system of capturing editorial process metrics. Prior to joining RTI- HS, Ms. Dallas served as a medical writer/editor at a contract research organization, where in addition to editing, she assisted in the development of a variety of documents, including protocols, clinical study reports, new drug applications, case report and informed consent forms, and patient brochures for many different therapeutic areas.

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