Sheryl Warttig, DHealthPsy

Director, Market Access and Outcomes Strategy

Office Location
Telecommuter - UK

DHealthPsy, Health Psychology
Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Kent, United Kingdom

MSc, Health Psychology
University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

BSc, Psychology
Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom

Sheryl Warttig is a Director in the Market Access and Outcomes Strategy group and is based in RTI-HS’s office in Manchester, UK. In her current role, Sheryl performs primary and secondary research to support the development of evidence-based dossiers, systematic literature reviews, landscaping activities, HTA submissions, outcomes research strategies, and payer research for pharmaceuticals and medtech (including diagnostics and digital technologies). Prior to joining RTI, Sheryl worked for over 10 years at the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) where she led the development of NICE guidelines and NICE HTA’s in a range of topic areas, and supported companies to go through NICE’s HTA processes. Sheryl has also led the development of several Cochrane systematic reviews on a range of topics.  Sheryl has experience in a broad range of therapy areas, including diabetes, oncology, digestive tract diseases, infectious diseases, surgical care, pain management and medtech (including diagnostics and digital technologies).

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