Navigating the Complex HTA Landscape for Medtech Success

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Webinar: Navigating the Complex HTA Landscape for Medtech Success

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As medical technology (medtech) developers prepare for making their products available to patients and providers, navigating the HTA process can be a significant hurdle. They often find themselves asking questions such as, what products and services require HTA approval? Are apps, digital therapeutics, and devices all treated the same? How different are the requirements from country to country?

Medtech is a rapidly expanding segment of the healthcare market with an estimated two million products available worldwide. This category is broad and includes all technology, products, and services used for patient care, treatment, diagnosis, monitoring, or health improvement – which makes navigating HTA pathways for these products less straightforward compared to their biotech counterparts. 

In this one-hour webinar our experts will address these questions and provide an overview of the HTA process. They will discuss the types of products that are assessed and outline how medtech products are selected for HTA. You will see the results of their Medtech HTA Multi-Country Survey and gain insights on how to be prepared for HTA success for your medtech product.

Join us for this webinar where you’ll learn:

  • The essentials of medtech HTA and its unique challenges
  • Key evidence considerations for medtech HTA, including the role of real-world evidence
  • How medtech HTA processes and requirements vary by country